How it works

Instruct to our AI assistants

Set your Goall

Our AI assistant is trained specifically for different occupations and detailed descriptions help to get more personalized answers.

  • Add target company
  • Add target job
  • Add detailed description

Upload your Resume

Your data will be kept strictly confidential and will only be used to guide the AI assistant in generating specific responses.

  • PDF,docx,txt supported
  • Modify your materials at any time
  • Resume revision(incoming)

Start assistant session

We provide Web version and Desktop application which apply to corresponding sound source.

  • Select voice source
  • AI real-time speech recognition
  • professional and adaptable answering style

We support different meeting software

Active user
(455) Positive Rating

Artificial Technologies

Get Benefits of using latest Artificial Intelligence.

First, simply input your text into the platform. This can be any type of written content, such as blog posts, articles, or marketing copy. Create a spot-on match of the voice you like with Murf. Customize the voice by adjusting pitch, tone, speed.

  • Interview cheatsheet
  • Mock interview
  • Resume revision(incoming)
Start for free

We helps 1,000+ people like you get a better offer.

Best Pricing

Best plan that best suit your requirements

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Special offer

  • 1 assistant seesion(60 minutes/session)
  • or 1 mock interview (60 minutes/session)
  • purchase only once

$29.9 / 25 credits


Premium Plan

  • 4 assistant session per month
  • billed in month
  • interview feedback(incoming)

$99 / Monthly


Advanced PlanSave 30%

  • 12 assistant session instantly
  • everything in premium plan
  • billed in quarter

$69 / Monthly


Want to ask
something from us?

Interview AIQ supports multiple platforms and browsers. We highly recommend using the Chrome browser for the best experience.

Powered by advanced large-scale models and meticulously designed data-driven methods, Interview AIQ can support interviews across a vast majority of fields and specialties.

You can appeal by sending an email to our official support. Please describe your situation in detail, and we will provide a refund or other services based on your circumstances.